Rustatic - Rust Static server

When locally developing a static web site it can be quite useful to be able to run a small web server and be able to see the results.

Rustatic provides this service.


General public

Then run


or with more parameters run:

rustatic --indexfile index.html --nice --host --port 5000 --path /path/to/html

Every command line parameter has a default value

  • --path defaults to the current directory
  • --host defaults to
  • --port defaults to 5000
  • --indexfile defaults to nothing. If provided then accessing a directory will yield the contenct of this file. Usually people have --indexfile index.html.
  • --nice Server .html files with the extension. If the user accessed /path/page rustatic will return the /path/page.html file.

Rust users

  • If you have Rust installed you can install rustatic using the following command:
cargo install rustatic
  • Then you can run
rustatic --help
rustatic --version
rustatic --path /path/to/html --host --port 5000


If you would like to help with the development of rustatic you can clone the repo and run the program without further installation:

git clone
cd rustatic

It is recommended to set up the pre-commit hooks:

  • Install pre-commit
  • In the rustatic folder run pre-commit install.

Then you can run the command like this:

cargo run -- --help
cargo run -- --version

cargo run -- --indexfile index.html --nice --host --port 5000 --path /path/to/html

Release and publish

  • Update version number in Cargo.toml and in the comment below.
  • git add .
  • git commit -m "update version to v0.2.7"
  • git tag -a v0.2.7 -m "publish version v0.2.7"
  • git push --tags
  • cargo publish


  • create executable that people can download so no need to clone from repo
  • Handle TODO items in the code.